Sunday, February 3, 2013

Parties Galore

This past week has been full of all sorts of parties: Mitzvahs, renovation celebration, and a father daughter dance.

"Julie loves NY!" Julie had an adorable NY city themed mitzvah in vibrant turquoise, yellow, and black. Her centerpieces highlighted the different locations that are most popular in the city such as Central Park, Wall Street, Yankee Stadium, 5th Avenue, and Times Square. Over the dance floor hung coordinating colored lanterns. The kid's side had lounge furniture with optic spray centerpieces and a personalized marquee that blinked behind the food station. And finally, she had a candy cart with an assortment of goodies for everyone to enjoy. As her guests entered the room, they were greeted with a replica of the statue of liberty and a city scene.The place cards were set on miniature taxi cars. I hope Julie felt like for one night she was in the big apple.

Adam's favorite sport is ice hockey, so we decorated everything at 103 West in black, red and silver. The centerpieces emphasized his personalized logo,stars, and hockey pucks. Our artists created a sign to hang in the kids area that featured his logo and over sized hockey sticks. On the opposite side of the room was a lit up candy cart with a mixture of overflowing candy ready to be eaten.

DeKalb Medical Center was throwing a renovation themed party in a setting literally in the middle of renovation. We decorated the cocktail tables and highboys with cylinders filled with renovation items such as paint brushed, protective eye wear, tools, paint chips, caution tape, etc. We set everything on mirror bases to give a bigger feel and lit up the gel centerpieces to add a glow to each table. We then created an artist installation out of ladders and planks of wood where the guests could pick up their custom hardhats as a part favor. We also decorated it with construction materials and uplight the whole display from behind. The entire space felt like an upscale construction renovation zone perfect for celebrating their occasion.

Piedmont Driving Club every year holds a father daughter dance with hundreds of attendees. We have the privilege of being able to decorate for them year after year. This year's theme was sock hop and we delivered giving them over 40 centerpieces with authentic records, over sized ice cream cones, music notes, jukeboxes, and large paddle balloons. The tables were covered in either turquoise, magenta, or black and white checker overlays. It gave the whole place that era themed look and felt like one was stepping back in time to a diner. We created a photo op with two sock hop characters and had a 6 foot tall ice cream sundae balloon sculpture when people first walked in. Pink socks were given away as favors along with cloth ice cream sundaes. I'm sure they danced the night away.

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