Mad Scientist

It's not everyday that you get a client wanting decor for a mad scientist party, but we were excited for this opportunity to create a laboratory perfect for any scientist in training with all the authentic paraphernalia. Each centerpiece consisted of real lab beakers filled with different colors and consistencies of "chemicals" ready to be mixed. Goggles were placed around in case an experiment got out of hand. The kids tables had over sized beakers with bubbles (clear balloons) coming out the top! The tables had a swirled silver pattern that worked nicely with the theme and was rented from CoverUps
Georgia Aquarium
Zack's mitzvah was held at the GA Aquarium in the Ocean's ballroom with two large viewing walls with belugas, whales, fish, and stingrays perfect for his underwater scuba theme. The adult centerpieces consisted of one vase filled with coral, shells, and sand and placed on a mirror. Surrounding the vase were tea lights, floating candles, and some more shells. The kid's centerpieces consisted of large wooden fish props or vases filled with gel and fish silhouettes covering the outside. Netting, shells, and scuba goggles were placed around these centerpieces. Calla lily floral arrangements were placed on the buffet tables. All the tables were covered in blue and turquoise crinkled taffeta linens that mimicked the waves in the ocean.
Mason Murer Paint Mitvah

A paint themed mitzvah looked great in the gallery space at Mason Murer. The centerpieces consisted of different tools in an artist's tool box. Some tables had over sized paint tubes with paint splashing out while others were paint cans knocked over spilling onto the table. Another variety featured paint splatters and artist palettes. All the highboys were covered in drawing paper with a mini paint bucket filled with markers and pencils for all the little artist to leave their host a note. Miniature paint easels held all the table numbers. The rooms was very vibrant with all the colors of the rainbow splashing against the white walls.
March Madnesss

March 1st has arrived and this means it is now basketball season as everyone prepares for the March Madness. It was a perfect time for Robby to have his basketball mitzvah held at the railroad depot in downtown Atlanta. The adult centerpieces were elevated and at the top were basketballs with pennants of Robby's favorite teams! Behind the dance floor hung a customized scoreboard in celebration of his special day. The kids centerpieces were basketball balloons attached to vases filled with gel and up lit with color changing light. The entrance for perfect for any all star with an orange carpet leading to a silver truss decorated with basketball pennants and flanked with basketball players up lit in orange. Finally, the cocktail area was draped to divide it from the rest of the room where the main event was held.
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